Four day work week and design thinking
Ian and Ash talk about how Microsoft Japan trialled a 4 day working week, busting Ash's myths about Japanese working culture and why technology people should care about design thinking, even for test automation.
- Steamed Hams
- Trial of Four Day Work Week at Microsoft Japan
- Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman
- On the Phenomenon of BS Jobs
- Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing
- Don Norman: Rethinking Design Thinking
- Natasha Jen: Design Thinking is BS
- IBM Design Thinking Intro Course
- d School Design Thinking Process
- IBM Design Thinking Loop
- Agile inception deck
Creators and Guests

Ash Winter
Tester and international speaker, loves to talk about testability. Along with a number of other community minded souls, one of the co-organisers of the Leeds Testing Atelier. Also co-author of the Team Guide to Software Testability.