Episode Fourteen – Managing IT Suppliers and AI Voice Cloning

Episode Fourteen – Managing IT Suppliers and AI Voice Cloning

In this episode, Ian and Ash delve into the complexities of managing IT service providers, exploring the challenges and strategies of working with consultancies and independent contractors. They also discuss the cutting-edge topic of AI voice cloning, examining its potential uses and ethical implications. From historical pirate accents to futuristic technology, join them for a thought-provoking discussion on how these technologies impact our work and the broader implications they hold for society.

Our shiny new email address, as promised in this episode, is... technologyeeyores@whatalotofthings.com


Creators and Guests

Ash Winter
Ash Winter
Tester but not a quality engineer. Talks about testability.
Ian Smith
Ian Smith
Happiest when making stuff or making people laugh. Tech, and Design Thinking. Since 2019, freelancer and FRSA.